Find Your Best Binge-Match With The New Netflix Rating System! #StreamTeam #AD

Some of you might have noticed something new come to Netflix recently and I am not talking about all the great titles they have been adding! They have a changed their rating system. Where there were once stars are now thumbs and we are loving this new simplistic rating system and I can’t wait to tell you why it is going to help you make the best binge choices.

Before our star choices were way too broad and this simple thumb change is going to make it easier for Netflix to cater to you even more individually than before. Using dating app tech they use the thumbs up and thumbs down to create a percentage specific to your account alone. The more you interact with the rating system the better it can rate the titles to your exact preferences.

Not only is this an easier way for Netflix to personalize you and your families streaming experience, it is easier and faster for you to use. It changes a more complicated rating system into a yes or no answer. Quick. Easy. Fast. Perfect for the family trying to sneak in a movie night during a super busy week of being on the go. I mean we have enough choices to make in a day it will be amazing to have Netflix take some of the guess work out it.

If you’re feed looks anything like mine, it’s a mix of my shows and a ton of kindergarten/kids shows that A has accidentally started to watch on my side.. the previous system would have left me stuck with them, now I can simply thumbs down them and it will show me much more relevant to me content. Hooraaaay!

No more messing around with titles you don’t want to watch. Interacting with it as often as possible, especially when rating your dislikes, makes it more and more accurate for you. Which means the more you watch the better your viewing choices will become.

You will no longer have to scroll as long while looking for something to watch because Netflix will already have the perfect picks in mind for you. Then when you are finally alone with your Netflix you will be streaming all your perfect Netflix binge-matches. Amazing choices that will keep you wanting more.

With that said I think it is safe to say is it 100% better than any dating app you will find out there! Always satisfying and never disappointing.

Change is good sometimes, what do you think of the new rating system??

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.