Put Freshly Picked under the tree this year!

Freshly Picked


There’s something to be said about a comfortable pair of moccasins, I know I have a pair that is my favourite! Would you like to win a pair of stylish, adorable moccasins to slide under the tree this year for a special little in your house? We are happy to have some other amazing bloggers join us this year. BC Mom, CanadaUSWinandSave, Canadian Basics, Frugals, KaleyDavis & WhatsNewCanada. 

IMG_0291They have been featured on Shark Tank, they were featured on Ellen; even little Miss North West has been spotted wearing them and now you can win a pair for your little one ! These adorable soft moccasins come in sizes newborn to size 13, in a variety of colors and designs! We have had the pleasure of partnering with Freshly Picked in the past and now it was Braylee’s turn. She has been wearing her sister’s old ones (not that you would know they were old as they last forever) Braylee helped me pick out on the Freshly Picked website the pair she liked the best, when they arrived she was in disbelief what she saw on the computer screen was actually in her hand and they were HERS!!!! IMG_0296 She put them on immediately!!

Braylee has never really been a shoe girl (when I mean not a shoe girl I mean she hates wearing shoes, boots, socks and normally within 5 minutes of putting them on her she is taking them off). When she found her sisters moccasins and left them on we figured we may have finally found something to suit Bray.

IMG_0297Miss Braylee is sporting “Just a slice” from the Beloved Moccasins collection at Freshly Picked. She was very quick to point out the slices, she calls them her pizza shoes.


I love how the little fringes go all around the moccasins. The front has elastic to make putting on the moccasin easy for those sometimes difficult toddler feet.

These moccasins are worth every penny and than some! Love them Love them Love them.

The moment she put them on her feet, they never left her feet. Many people think they are just like slippers but you can wear them outside just like anything else ! Today she only took them off long enough for a bath and than they went right back on and she wore them to bed.



Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.