WildRoots Juice Cleanse; Day 1, I’m thrilled!

wild roots juice cleanse


You might think I’m crazy, but that definitely says what you think it says. I’m tackling a juice cleanse. Right.Now.

I entered a contest a couple of weeks ago through Boombaloo Magazine, a super exciting one that ended with me winning a 3 day juice cleanse from Wild Roots Juice Bistro! If you could have seen me when I got the instagram push notification you would have laughed, I was jumping up and down around my house like I’d won the lottery! Because in my head; I did! Winning a way to kick start your health is just as good as the lottery in my opinion.


Wild Roots Juice Cleanse LogoA bit of back story about Wild Roots, it’s owned by Michelle & Scott, both of which have a passion for enlightening people on how what we put into our bodies can HEAL us. How incredible is that? When Michelle’s mom was diagnosed with cancer she decided enough was enough and went after her dream of educating her community about healthy nutrition and how it can aid our bodies.

So where do you get your juice? You get it on Harvey, the Wild Roots Juice Bistro Food/Bevvy/Deliciousness-mobile. They don’t just do juice, they also carry a delicious variety of smoothies, salads, wraps and snacks. Best part? It’s all Natural and ORGANIC. I super love that they use top quality organic ingredients on their truck, everything you see is good for you! Oh! and they deliver the juice cleanses straight to your door, so there’s no excuse to not get started.

Harvey Wild Roots Juice Bistro Truck

So, how am I holding up on my first day? I am a coffee addict, I have a pretty hard time getting kick started in the morning without my coffee so I slept in a bit today. I woke up at the crack of 8:30am and drank my Detox/Flush juice and started my day. It was quite yummy with just a hint of sweetness! I had a few concerns as I am not a huge fan of almond milk or coconut water but Wild Roots has found a way to make me love them. Some of my favorite ingredients in the juices are the grapefruit, green apple and kale.

Around 4:30 I found myself with a bit of a headache and a little sluggish, it’s to be expected though when you have absolutely no garbage in your system for an entire day. Your body detoxes and craves the processed sugars and additives and it’s essentially a withdrawal process, I’m kissing crap good-bye though so I’m handling the headache just fine!

I did cheat a little bit in the afternoon and had a nibble of chicken breast, while the juice cleanse works best with just the juice, they do suggest if you do need a small snack that fruit, vegetables and lean protein are the best options.

So, day 1 down! 2 to go! I am pretty optimistic and feeling great so far and very excited to see what the next 2 days brings.

Have you tried a juice cleanse, or do you plan to try one in the future?

Boombaloo Magazine

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.