TracyCakes Bakery Cafe, our tea adventure! #Review


TracyCakes Bakery CafeRecently we had the pleasure of visiting Tracy Cakes Bakery Cafe in Langley, I have been eye-balling their sweet treats on their facebook page for months and was thrilled to finally have the chance to venture out and check out all of their delicious offerings. 

We decided to make our trip a mommy/daughter trip with Helisa bringing her 10 year old daughter Amy, and I brought 3 year old Alivia. We were a bit hesitant if Alivia was going to be able to sit still the entire time but she did fantastic, and more importantly, the incredible staff at TracyCakes made her feel like she was just like mommy with her very own delicate tea cup and pot filled with delicious apple juice.

TracyCakes Bakery & Cafe

We scheduled our trip in advance and reserved a High Tea spot, it takes a bit more time to prepare all these goodies so it’s always nice to give them a heads up! Your high tea includes;

Assorted finger sandwiches, Mini quiches, Veggie rolls, Freshly baked scones, house-made Devonshire cream, Artisanal preserves, Assorted dainties and babycakes, Seasonal sliced fresh fruit and your choice of loose leaf teas or artisan roasted coffees.

Hungry yet!?


Every detail is painstakingly thought out and executed with love at TracyCakes, from the vintage decor to the dainty china tea cups, right down to the heritage house the Cafe resides in, stepping inside was like stepping back in time for us; it was calm, relaxing and really gave us the chance to just soak in our surroundings.

TracyCakes Bakery Cafe

We were helped by a wonderfully warm woman named Karen who reminded me of a house mom, her accent totally won me over and she was so kind with Alivia, helping her to learn how to pour her “tea” into her very own cup. When it came time for us to choose our teas the choices seemed endless, we finally chose an earl grey, vanilla bean and Amy choose a fruity sweet tea that went perfectly with her treats.


When our towers of mouth watering delights showed up we were all in awe of just how much love and care went into each item on the plates, the sandwiches were of course, crust-free, the devonshire cream was fresh and the perfect companion with the fresh preserves on the baked scones, in fact Amy all but devoured her scone before touching anything else on her plate (and she had babycakes!).


My personal favorites were the cucumber sandwiches, the scones and the quiches, you wouldn’t think that these tiny samples would be enough to fill you up but rest assured, we were quite stuffed after we left! We really liked that there is a child size option for High Tea, it’s a little bit cheaper but still includes quite a bit of food (the only missing items were quiche and 1 kind of sandwich!).  Your High Tea does include your tea or coffee, and each of us were able to enjoy at least 4 cups of tea with the generous pots provided, a totally satisfying treat!

Amy at TracyCakesHigh tea not your thing? TracyCakes also offers a menu of delectable soups, sandwiches, wraps, salads and more. Our reservation was for just before lunch time, by the time we left every table was full with people ordering lunch! We really loved the diversity of the menu, there really is something to satisfy everyone.

Now.. onto my favorite part, you knew this was coming right? I have a major sweet tooth. Treats, sweets, chocolate, the works! TracyCakes is known for her you guessed it, TracyCakes cupcakes and babycakes! I was pretty excited to come across their Christmas cupcakes list, don’t these look delicious?


We picked up a dozen Babycakes to take home but unfortunately no photographic evidence of this exists because dad got to them first… they were delicious though! I highly recommend the root beer float one!

Final thoughts; we had a memorable time at TracyCakes, as we were leaving we were brainstorming holidays and events that could be celebrated there and really, ANY can be. It is the perfect little spot to take a loved one for an intimate meal, but also works well for large groups (Christmas parties anyone!?). We found it the perfect excuse to get dressed up and enjoy some quality time with the girls.

At first, we did find the cost of the High Tea a bit daunting on the website ($18.50 per person, $10 for children) but once we were able to see all that is included it is quite reasonable. The food was delicious and the perfect portion sizes to taste and nibble without feeling too full, combine that with the generous amount of tea and it is VERY reasonable. We’re looking forward to coming back and trying out some of the other menu items!

Make sure to keep an eye on their website and social media accounts, they are always having fun contests, specials and promotions, they really do believe in paying it forward to their fans and customers!.If you head over to Facebook, they have a ‪#‎12daysoftracycakes‬ contest happening right now!

Connect with TracyCakes

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And check out this touching, heartfelt video that explains a bit more about why Tracy does what she does… I absolutely love this. 

Have you had a chance to check out TracyCakes Bakery Cafe? If so, what is your favorite item on the menu? Tell us below!

{Disclosure: We were provided with complimentary high tea in exchange for our review, all opinions express are our own and are not influenced by the sponsor}

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.