World Vegetarian Day – October 1, 2014

World Vegetarian Day 2014

World Vegetarian Day 2014The month of October is rife with observances and awareness days. In fact the whole month lends itself to bringing awareness to many things from the well known Breast Cancer Awareness Month to the lesser known Celiac Sprue Awareness Month, and sillier observances like Popcorn Poppin’ Month. You needn’t wait until Thanksgiving or Halloween to celebrate, start with today!

October 1 is World Vegetarian Day which kicks off October’s Vegetarian Awareness Month and you don’t have to forgo meat forever to participate! Established in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society, its purpose is to bring awareness to the various benefits – environmental, health, sustainability, humanitarian, of living a vegetarian lifestyle. Going meatless even once a week can not only help reduce your carbon footprint and improve your health, but it can also save you money on you grocery bill since meat protein is usually the most expensive part of a meal.

In honour of World Vegetarian Day this October, why not cook up a delicious veggie stirfry or vegetable soup? Can’t go without meat? Add a salad rich in dark leafy greens and crisp veggies or try a veggie you’ve never tried before on the side! Let the kids choose a new vegetable, fruit or grain from the store! There are so many ways to participate in World Vegetarian Day with the whole family and it is a great time to talk to the kids about eating right as well.


I’m always looking for new healthy recipes, so if you have a vegetarian one you’d like to share, comment below! And please come back as we talk about more of October’s days to celebrate.

I'm a SAHM of 2 who loves finding new things to do in the Lower Mainland, and sharing my opinions. I thrive on coffee, snuggles and sarcasm.