Sign up for Temporary Support Payments for School Age Children: Strike Update

Hold the Line - Support BC Teachers

Hold the Line - Support BC TeachersToday should (for most kids) be a happy day. They should be packing up their new lunch kits and backpacks and heading to meet their new classroom and teacher. Sadly, that isn’t the case as the government continues to drag it’s feet on an agreement with the teachers. I am so pro teacher on this entire debate but I’m trying to keep an open mind about the negotiations. When you are faced with another one of the government’s tactics to convince us that they have your children’s best interest at heart, please remember our kids are NOT starting school today and it lays solely on them. They did not initiate this strike, but they knew it was coming.

With 300 million separating an agreement, it seems school will be on hold for a little while longer. If you are tired of the wait, tired of misinformation and attacks by the BC Government, take a stand and attend (or organize!) a rally to show your support for our teachers. These men and women are raising up our CHILDREN, they are our future.

With that being said, if you are one of many parents in British Columbia struggling with child care and activity costs during the strike then this might be for you;

Before signing up for this program there are a few things you should know,

  • Payments will not be distributed until the strike ENDS. Do not expect a timely payment, as with most government programs, this one is new and likely to experience some hiccups
  • You can apply if you have children under 12 and are their legal guardian
  • Enrollment in public school will be confirmed before payment is made
  • You will need your child’s provincial education number
  • You do not have to enrol your child in daycare to be eligible
  • The funds are NON-taxable and do not have to be claimed on your income tax return
  • If you OWE money through Revenue Canada, they can seize the payment and apply it towards your outstanding debt.

For more information, read the Frequently Asked Questions

If you are experiencing financial hard ship and the strike is impacting your family financially then it may be worth it to take a few minutes to apply.


Looking for the information you WON”T see the government sharing? Join the BC Voters Supporting Teachers Facebook group.

How do you feel about the strike, are your children eager to head back to school? Will you be applying for the Temporary Support Payments? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Tara Jensen
Tara is a parenting influencer based on the West Coast. With her full time career in health care, she focuses on green living, healthy family choices and encouraging families to live a fabulously frugal lifestyle. She lives on coffee, cuddles and post-its, generally in that order. When she isn’t working, she can be found outdoors exploring beautiful British Columbia with her family.